Friday, January 11, 2008

Pisces and Cell Salt Ferrum Phosphate Means Health

Astrology - Biochemistry
Pisces - Ferrum Phos

February 20 until March 21 is the time of Pisces.Pisces pertains physiologically to the feet. It is concerned with enemies, prisons, hospitals, limitations, the sea, water and all places of confinement.

Why places of confinement? The word March is from the Latin Margo, meaning boundary, confine, border, edge.

Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac and marks the boundary of the Zodiacal circle.

Ferrum Phosphate, the cell-salt for Pisces attracts Oxygen into the lungs. It starts life, the breathing process in children.

Pisces is the last sign, the foundation on which the entire body rests. With good feet you can go far. Metaphysically, Pisces relates to understanding. When you understand you can travel far mentally.

Pisces stands for the the end of things.Pisces is interpreted as confinement. It is the bottom.

Below this no one is able to go. It is time to begin work building a better vehicle. A new incarnation means the work must be taken where it was left off. Another school day has begun.

Pisces, then stands for the end of a cycle of spiritual existence beyond the veil, and the entrance of a Spirit into a new body.

Reincarnation will take place again and again until the task of perfecting the body is complete.

Man breathes, easily, freely, fully, unconsciously when there is no deficiency in iron (Ferrum Phosphate.)

Deficiency in Ferrum Phosphate causes a felling of oppression or Depression.

Neptune is the positive ruler of Pisces. Neptune is the highest and finest force in the Universe. It represents perfection and purity.

The negative interpretation of Pisces is deceit.

The symbol of Pisces is the fish and old and sacred symbol. Fishes are symbols of corpuscles, life-forces in the body. As the fluids in the body become depleted in iron, the corpuscles (fishes) slowly suffocate.

Ferrum Phosphate stops this suffocation and putrefication. It carries oxygen, the breath of life to the blood.

Where strength and firmness are required, iron is used.

Pisces and Enemies.
The corpuscles or fish in the blood are either harmonious (health) or not. Diseased corpuscles in the blood stream constitute true enemies of the body. The more diseased corpuscles the more negative action of the brain. They become more distorted and chaotic. The need for prisons, hospitals and sanitariums.

With the right amount of iron in the blood, and in the cells of the brain, one is not upset by any thing. One lacking in strength, power, firmness and endurance is very deficient in iron.

Without a proper balance of iron in the blood, health cannot be sustained, and a lack of Ferrum Phosphate causes fevers.

A few symptoms due to the lack of Ferrum Phosphate are: rush of blood to the head, delirium, congestion of the brain, dizziness, emotional unbalance or insanity, headaches, all fevers, inflamed gums, very red tongue, incontinence of urine, sore pain over the kidneys, lumbago, sore ligaments, and palpitation of the heart.

The cell-salt Ferrum Phosphate is needed by Pisces. But it is also required by every one since iron allows the healing spirit to enter the blood.

To Love your enemies, may mean to understand the presence of enemy cells or corpuscles within our own selves. They must be found out and Astro-Biochemistry applied to heal them.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Aquarius + Bio-Chemical Cell Salt Nat Mur = Health

Astrology and Biochemistry

Aquarius and Nat Mur

January 21 to February 21 is Aquarius. The word Aquarius is Latin for water. The meaning of Aquarius is Water-Bearer or Cup-Bearer. It's glyph is the ancient symbol of water.

The Greek myth that tells of the war between the Titans and the Children of Kronos (Saturn) is the war between the lower mind and the higher self. This is a gigantic problem in today's world.

No one can be reborn into a higher level of being until the material is furnished for the process bio-chemical cell salts. It is as much a physiological growth as a spiritual one.

In the human body, the bodily fluid containing all the chemical elements in solution is the blood serum.

Aquarius, physiologically relates tot the saline solution of the blood and the calves and ankles. Uranus and Saturn are co-rulers of the sign of Aquarius.

The blood serum is the saline (sea water) solution which vitalizes the blood corpuscles. Natrium Mur is the cell-salt allocated to Aquarians.

The circulation or distribution of water in the human organism is due to the chemical action of the molecules of Sodium Chloride (Nat Mur). It has the power to attract water.

When the cells in the brain are deficient in Nat Mur, reason itself dies.

The urn of Aquarius pours out the water of life.

Our Solar System has just entered the sign of Aquarius. There will be great and drastic changes. Beliefs and opinions that were held near and dear are going to wind up in the scrap heap.

A strong wish to know, brought about by the initial string of the inner man, will present the reasons for things to the consciousness of mankind.

The colon of the Aqueous Blue is assigned to Aquarius. The blood serum associated with the sign finds expression in the phrase, (Blue Blood), or "Royal Blood," Blue is the color of sedative quality.

The saline solution of the blood is the fire of life. Nat Mur is a vitalized cell salt. It increases vitality, and deficiency causes devitalization. Arising tired in the morning is because the blood corpuscles were not vitalized during sleep.

Nat Mur is by nature a catalyst. The Aqua Pura or purified and chemically perfect water of life is vitalizing.

The fluids of the body in the average person are poisoned with toxic products. Overeating and wrong diet can cause this. The brain cells become chemically disorganized and filled with toxic poisons, this brings on mental and nervousness and people become distraught.

The consciousness of man must expand. As Uranus literally shakes Heaven and Earth, so does it stir up the minds of men.

As Uranus means change, we need not fear that the world is to be destroyed, but it will change. Great changes are in store.

As the physical body in practically 97% water, a large quantity of Nat Mur is needed.

Deficiency in Nat Mur causes one to feel very weary and tired. This leads to irritability and no pep or vitality.

All symptoms caused by a lack of this salt are indicative of too little are too much water. Dry tongue and mouth, muttering and wandering, despondent moods, sun-stroke, heavy headaches, pain in ht eyes, dandruff, blisters on the body, hayfever and flu, sore throat, craving for salt, plus many other symptoms are all indications of a lack of Nat Mur.

We all need Nat Mur, but Aquarians need it three times a day.




Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing. To see more of his writings visit his websites. and Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now." You can contact him at




Sunday, January 6, 2008

Aquarius Astrological Solar Chart For Children


The solar chart for Aquarius children is invaluable for parents. They can see the energies that the child is attracted to according to the energies of the Astrological Matrix in the heavens. They can then help plan their life according to their strengths and help them with their weaknesses.

A solar chart is a wheel chart just like a natal chart only the 12 houses are divided equally around the wheel.

Going around the wheel CCW from left to right we have the first house on the left hand horizon and all the others follow in the same sequence.

A Aquarius Astrological Solar Chart has Aquarius in the first house.

This Aquarius Astrological Solar Chart is a divine blueprint that resides in the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God) and its energy structure is the energy structure for all living Aquarius children.

If you as a parent pay attention to these energy structures than your little one should have a fairly smooth life and fulfill their destiny (why they were born to you and what they came to do).

If you ignore these energy patterns and try to treat your child like a Taurus or a Leo, then they may meet with difficulties and not fulfill their destinies.


FIRST HOUSE AQUARIUS. Their house of Personality. Ruled by the planet Jupiter. This will give them the energy of total independence.

SECOND HOUSE PISCES. Their house of Money. Ruled by Neptune. This gives them the energy for making money with careers pertaining to the sea.

THIRD HOUSE ARIES. House of Communications. Ruled by Mars. This gives them the energy for strong fiery speech.

FOURTH HOUSE TAURUS. The house of Home. Ruled by the Venus. This gives them energy to create a comfortable home environment.

FIFTH HOUSE GEMINI. The house of Creativity. Ruled by the Mercury. This gives them the energy to create with the mind.

SIXTH HOUSE CANCER . House of their Health. Ruled by Moon. This gives them the energies of strong, fluctuating moods. Highs and lows.

SEVENTH HOUSE LEO. House of Relationships. Ruled by Sun. This gives them the energies of attracting relationships that are strong and long lasting.

EIGHT HOUSE VIRGO. Ruled by the Mercury. The eight house is always difficult to write about. It covers a variety of energies. Death, sex, other peoples money and transformation. This house gives them the energies to deeply analyze the mysteries of sex and death.

NINTH HOUSE LIBRA . House of Spiritual Growth. Ruled by the Venus This gives them the energies to balance their religious and spiritual values.

TENTH HOUSE SCORPIO. House of Career. Ruled by Mars. This gives them them a career in the medical field.

ELEVENTH HOUSE SAGITTARIUS. House of Friendships. Ruled by Jupiter. This gives them the energies for attracting many friends from all over the world.

TWELFTH HOUSE CAPRICORN. House of Inspiration. Ruled by Saturn. This gives them the energy to inspire themselves and others; with a strong understanding of life.


AQUARIUS is an air sign.

The water bearer is the sign of Aquarius.

Saturday (Satyr's day) is their lucky day of the week.

GEMS: Black pearl, obsidian, opal and sapphire

METAL: lead

SCENTS: Azalea, gardenia

COLORS: electric blue, grey, ultra marine and blue

The need to avoid: coldness, rebelliousness for it's own sake, and fixed ideas.

Their compatible signs are Gemini and Libra.

Incompatible signs are: Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.

The quality they need most for balance is warmth, feeling and emotion. They need to know and bring back the new.

Their strongest virtues are great intellectual power; ability to communicate and understand, abstract concepts, and love for the new and avant-garde.

Their deepest need is for action.

If your child is an Aquarius then help them to be one, act like one. Don't stifle any of their energies because society does not like it. Our world needs more strong Aquariums.

Next article Pisces Solar Chart for Children

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Aries + Saturn = Restructure Your Health

Aries + Solar Chart + Saturn =
Aries Saturn Forecast 2008

Saturn is one of the more powerful planets, that affect life on Earth. It is the ruler of time and structure.

Some of the older astrologers called Saturn the "Grim Reaper," because when he passes through one of your houses he swings his mighty Scythe and cuts loose useless things in your life.

But if you understand the power and function of Saturn, you will not be so down on him.

Saturn spends about 2 and half years in each house; and takes about 28 - 30 years to make a full circuit of your twelve houses.

The first time Saturn starts his 28 -30 year journey around your chart, there is very little devastation. He understands that you are a young soul and allows you a lot of leeway. There are very little or no Saturnine penalties the first time around.

But on his second trip around, he is brutal and powerful. It is called your second Saturn cycle. Now, he will enter each of your twelve houses for the second time. He will stay for 2 and half years in each house this second time around.

The whole purpose of your life on this school planet, called Earth, is to evolve and grow conscious.

Saturn will look into each of your houses and pull out whatever you have built within your house that is detrimental to your evolution and spiritual growth.

If he starts his second trip in the first house, he will force you to change everything in your personality that is detrimental to your evolution and spiritual growth.

If he starts in a second house your house of money, he will upset this.

The rest of the houses are as follows:
Third house of Communication
Forth house of Home and Family
Fifth house of Creativity
Sixth house of Health
Seventh house of Relationships
Eighth house of Sex
Ninth house of Higher mind
Tenth house of Friendship
Twelfth house of the Past

All these changes will start at ages 28 - 30 years old. If your are wise, you will prepare yourself for Saturn's coming. And whatever house he enters you will gladly hold it out to him to allow him to take from you what you do not need any more. Gently. Instead of ripping it out!

If you look upon Saturn, as the re-structurer, rather than a grim reaper, you will have a better understanding of him. It will also be less painful.

Learn to restructure each of your houses during his visit. Work with him, not against him. Saturn knows more about what you need for your spiritual growth than you do.

In the third Saturn cycle, Saturn will start his third time through each of your houses at ages 56 - 58. Now if you have not prepared for his coming, you are in serious trouble.

His energy at this time is very powerful and he is in his no-nonsense mode. You would be amazed at how many people are forced to leave this planet between the ages of 55 and 60. They could not handle the destructive energies of Saturn.

But this need not happen to you. There are several key ages when you will be given hints as to what you need to change to continue your spiritual climb.

At age 35, (28 + 7 years) there will not be too many signs.

At age 42 there will be some signs in your health, wealth and relationships.

Look for them and start to make changes. At aage 49 this is a very important stage. You will start a restructuring program. For when 56 - 58 arrives with Saturn, he will look to see what work you have done. If you have done a fairly good job, then he will glide easily through those 2 and half years and reward you.

The reward will be 28 more years added to your life. He will be back at 84 - 86. But by then you will hopefully understand how he operates and you will be working with him not against him.

How long do you want to live? 112? 140? If you work with Saturn, he will bring you long life.

Now let's look at Aries solar chart and see what Saturn has in store for you.

For the whole year of 2008 Saturn will be transiting Virgo.

When we look at the Aries solar chart with the first house we find:
Virgo in the sixth house. Your 6Th house is your house of health, service and work.

Saturn will pull out of your sixth house all that is detrimental to your spiritual growth.

Any areas of your daily work schedule that are inharmonious to your growth will be pointed out to you during these 2 and half years. You will be given a chance to restructure your work habits, work environment by yourself before he steps in.

In the service area, what ever services you offer others or are dependent upon from others will need restructuring.

The health area is most important. You will be given significant warnings and signs as to what part of your body and it's organs need attention. This is nothing to be afraid of. The warning signs will come in plenty of time. There is time for you to correct them or get corrected.

So at ages 56 - 58, your third Saturn cycle, you had better prepare yourself. But here you are given 7 years, 49 - 56. There is lots of time before hand, for you to make the changes yourself.

The grand Architect of the Universe, has designed us in his imagEllis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

e. He has also given each of us a divine timetable and helpers (the planets.)

The rest is up to us!

The next article will be: Taurus and Saturn

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Capricorn + Bio-chemical Cell Salts Cal Phos = Health

Astrology and Bio-Chemistry
Capricorn - Calcium Phosphate

Capricorn the southern "Gate to Heaven",is born December 21 to January 21. January comes from the word Janus, God of all beginnings. This is the ancient of days. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn.

At one time food was meant to be the healer of all diseases, because it contained all the cell salts. This is not true any more. People live to eat, instead of eating to live, and the Soul of the world is depleted.

Calcium Phosphate is Saturn's own particular material. It forms bones which constitutes the human frame. This is the body's foundation. Capricorn is the master mason. The true interaction of Freemasonry, is a physico-chemical process.

One born with the Sun in Capricorn, may therefore be an initiate.

Saturn stands for truth, stability, honest values, honor and integrity.

The back bone is not only the support of the body and it's strength, it is also a barometer or gauge by which the mental and moral stars may be judged.

Capricorn is symbolically the Goat or Unicorn. The best wool is obtained from castrated Angora goats, because the life force is never wasted. It recreates the body. This is a function of Capricorn. To preserve the life force and recreate the body.

Capricorn is the House of Spiritual Conception. To "Ride the Goat" literally means to learn to control your passions.

The glyph of Capricorn is patterned after the sacral bone.

The body requires more Calcium Phosphate than any other mineral, for this reason, that a very great quantity is required for the bones alone. Saturn rules the bones.

They are the oldest parts of the body. Calcium Phosphate forms the skeletal part of every cell.

Any deficiency of Calcium Phosphate results in excess mucus or albumin. This is the basic cause of colds. It is the "cold germ" science is looking for.

A cold is Nature's method of housecleaning - She eradicates the mucus.

Those who over-eat and who consume large quantities of mucus-making foods, frequently have head colds.

Lack of this salt causes mucus to collect in the tonsils, causing them to enlarge. The tonsils should never be removed. The free use of Calcium Phosphate + Silicea will bring about a normal condition.

Albumin or mucus may collect in the thyroid gland. This is the cause of goiter. A lack of iodine is not the cause of goiter, but Calcium Phosphate deficiency. Iodine is an irritant and the Great Chemist and Architect, and never uses irritants in the construction of the human body.

All the twelve Chemical elements of the blood are alkaline. Natrium Phosphate is the the particular cell salt to take to counteract acidity in the body.

Calcium Phosphate is needed by the digestive system and to assimilate organs. When it becomes deficient, digestion becomes difficult.

Cell starvation and anemia of the blood results.

Cell salts are free salts and once taken into the body, they instantly go about their work. They are at once utilized by the blood.

Only through the means of Astrology can we understand the relationship between the body of the Universe and the body of man.

A few of the many symptoms caused by a deficiency of Calcium Phosphate are: poor memory, fear, panic, desire for solitude, loss of hair, swelling of the glands, head cold, bad taste in the mouth, decay of teeth, goiter, constant hoarseness, abnormal appetite, palpitation of the heart, pain in the bones, and restless sleep.

Being overly sexual throws this valuable salt out of the body. Each human bears within themselves the seed of regeneration, stop wasting it!

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.