Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Aquarius + Bio-Chemical Cell Salt Nat Mur = Health

Astrology and Biochemistry

Aquarius and Nat Mur

January 21 to February 21 is Aquarius. The word Aquarius is Latin for water. The meaning of Aquarius is Water-Bearer or Cup-Bearer. It's glyph is the ancient symbol of water.

The Greek myth that tells of the war between the Titans and the Children of Kronos (Saturn) is the war between the lower mind and the higher self. This is a gigantic problem in today's world.

No one can be reborn into a higher level of being until the material is furnished for the process bio-chemical cell salts. It is as much a physiological growth as a spiritual one.

In the human body, the bodily fluid containing all the chemical elements in solution is the blood serum.

Aquarius, physiologically relates tot the saline solution of the blood and the calves and ankles. Uranus and Saturn are co-rulers of the sign of Aquarius.

The blood serum is the saline (sea water) solution which vitalizes the blood corpuscles. Natrium Mur is the cell-salt allocated to Aquarians.

The circulation or distribution of water in the human organism is due to the chemical action of the molecules of Sodium Chloride (Nat Mur). It has the power to attract water.

When the cells in the brain are deficient in Nat Mur, reason itself dies.

The urn of Aquarius pours out the water of life.

Our Solar System has just entered the sign of Aquarius. There will be great and drastic changes. Beliefs and opinions that were held near and dear are going to wind up in the scrap heap.

A strong wish to know, brought about by the initial string of the inner man, will present the reasons for things to the consciousness of mankind.

The colon of the Aqueous Blue is assigned to Aquarius. The blood serum associated with the sign finds expression in the phrase, (Blue Blood), or "Royal Blood," Blue is the color of sedative quality.

The saline solution of the blood is the fire of life. Nat Mur is a vitalized cell salt. It increases vitality, and deficiency causes devitalization. Arising tired in the morning is because the blood corpuscles were not vitalized during sleep.

Nat Mur is by nature a catalyst. The Aqua Pura or purified and chemically perfect water of life is vitalizing.

The fluids of the body in the average person are poisoned with toxic products. Overeating and wrong diet can cause this. The brain cells become chemically disorganized and filled with toxic poisons, this brings on mental and nervousness and people become distraught.

The consciousness of man must expand. As Uranus literally shakes Heaven and Earth, so does it stir up the minds of men.

As Uranus means change, we need not fear that the world is to be destroyed, but it will change. Great changes are in store.

As the physical body in practically 97% water, a large quantity of Nat Mur is needed.

Deficiency in Nat Mur causes one to feel very weary and tired. This leads to irritability and no pep or vitality.

All symptoms caused by a lack of this salt are indicative of too little are too much water. Dry tongue and mouth, muttering and wandering, despondent moods, sun-stroke, heavy headaches, pain in ht eyes, dandruff, blisters on the body, hayfever and flu, sore throat, craving for salt, plus many other symptoms are all indications of a lack of Nat Mur.

We all need Nat Mur, but Aquarians need it three times a day.




Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing. To see more of his writings visit his websites. and Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now." You can contact him at




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