Saturday, November 17, 2007

Biochemestry Cell-salts and the 12 Astrological Signs Part I

Astrological Sun Signs and Biochemistry Cell Salts
Part 1

Aries The Ram

The optic thalmus is the third eye connecting the pineal gland and the pituitary body. It means "light of the chamber!"

Kali Phosphate is the birth salt for those born between March 21 and April 21.

Aries people are brain workers, earnest, executive and determined. They rapidly use up the brain visualizer, Kali Phos.

Kali Phos is the greatest healing agent known to man, because it is the chemical base of the material expression and understanding.

Aries people are armed and prepared when in trouble or danger they keep their head.

The Winged Bull
(April 21 to May 21)

Man was forever. The truth of man never had a beginning. The scientists of the Taurian Age (over 4000 years ago) carved the wings on the zodiacal sign of Taurus.

Taurians can descend deep into materialism or use their wings to soar high at the heavens.

Air is the raw material of our blood. Our blood is our elixir of Life.

Sulphate of Sodium, Nat sulph chemically corresponds to the physical and mental characteristics of Taurians.

Taurus is represented by the cerebellum, the lower brain.

A deficiency in Nat Sulph is always manifested by pains in the back of the head, spine and liver. Nat Sulph eliminates excess water in the body. The more surplus water there is to be thrown out of the blood, the more Sodium Sulphate is required. Chills and fevers are Nature's method of getting rid of surplus water. Nat Sulph is the remedy.

The Twins
(May 21 to June 21)

Gemini natives express themselves with the cell salt Kali Mur. (Potassium Chloride) is the mineral worker of blood that forms fibrin and diffuses it throughout the tissues of the body. This is the birth salt of the Gemini native..

When Kali Mur is deficient, the blood fibrin thickens causing what is known as pleurisy, pneumonia, catarrh, etc. Use Kali Mur.

Gemini means the "twins!" And Gemini is the sign which governs the United States.

The Crab
(June 21 to July 22)

This is the "mother" sign of the zodiac. Cancer has the tenacity to hold on to ones home, like a crab who takes it's home with it. The Cancer cell salt is Calcium Flourica.

When this cell salt is deficient in the blood, physical and mental dis-ease is the result.

Calcium Fluoride forms elastic fiber. Varicose veins and kindred ailments are due to lack of Calcium Fluoride.

Cancer people are more liable to symptoms indicating a lack of this cell salt.

When we learn the cause of the disease, we will prevent disease. When a man's body is made chemically perfect, the operations of the mind will express health.

The Lion
(July 22 to August 23)

The Sun overflows with divine energy. All the blood in the body passes through the heart. The impulsive traits of Leo are symbolized in the pulse, which is a reflex of "heart throbs!"

Phosphate of Magnesia is the remedy for all spasmodic impulsive symptoms.

Mag Phos restores normal conditions.

Lack of muscular force or nerve vigor indicates a deficiency of Mag Phos.

Leo is ruled by the Sun, and they are natural Sun worshipers.

Leo people consume their birth salts more rapidly than any other salt. Suffice it to say Mag Phos is for Leos!

The Virgin
(August 23 to September 23)

Virgin means "pure." Kali Sulphate is the cell salt for Virgo.

Virgo is represented by the solar plexus and the bowels.

Virgo's are discriminating, analytical and critical.

A deficiency in Kali Sulph cause the oil in the skin tissue to thicken and clog, meaning the skin can not breath. This turns heat and secretions but upon the inner organs, lungs and membranes of the nasal passages.

Kali Sulph is found in the scalp and hair. A deficiency causes dandruff and falling out of hair.

Virgo's need Kali Sulph.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

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